Stream VIDEOS in Power Apps from SharePoint Library

Описание к видео Stream VIDEOS in Power Apps from SharePoint Library

In this Power Apps tutorial, I'll guide you through embedding Microsoft Stream videos hosted in SharePoint using the new Stream control to enhance your canvas app. The Stream control in Power Apps lets you embed Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint) videos directly in your canvas app. Adding a Stream video in your app makes a smooth integration of videos hosted on Microsoft Stream in your canvas app. It also improves the user experience.

You'll learn to use the Stream URL property (Required) correctly, ensuring it only contains the unique ID of the video for a valid URL.

We'll build a video gallery connected to a SharePoint library where video files are stored and use Power Automate to generate unique Stream video IDs dynamically.

Video includes:
✔️ New Stream control in Power Apps
✔️ Proper Usage of Stream URLs
✔️ Building a Video Gallery Connected to SharePoint Library
✔️ Generating Unique Stream Video IDs dynamically with flow
✔️ Creating a Video Hub Experience in PowerApps

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Stream control (based on SharePoint) in Power Apps

⬇️ Download video hub solution showcased in video:
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Table of Contents:
00:00 Introducing new Stream control (based on SharePoint) in Power Apps
00:38 PowerApps Stream Control (Video Player)
02:13 Build a Video Gallery in Power Apps
04:06 Dynamically generate Microsoft Stream Video URL
08:30 Power Apps Gallery connected to Stream Player
09:51 Stream Video Player Demo in Power Apps


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