How To Make A Third Person Shooter - Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial

Описание к видео How To Make A Third Person Shooter - Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial

In this Unreal Engine 5 blueprints tutorial for beginners, MizzoFrizzo will show you how to create a third-person shooter. We'll set up an over-the-shoulder camera, locomotion animations, crouching, aim down sights with zoom, reduced FOV, slowed walk speed, and animations, as well as shooting an enemy with a line trace and a basic health and death system.

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The Military Weapons Dark and Military Weapons Silver asset packs are not available on Fab due to being long-abandoned by their creator. I have zipped a blank project with both weapons packs and uploaded it to Drive for use with my tutorials. Download it via the link below, extract the project and open it, select both weapons pack folders and right click then 'migrate' and select the 'content' folder of your project to add them and follow along. 🙂


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