AI After Hours | Feature Search with GitHub Copilot

Описание к видео AI After Hours | Feature Search with GitHub Copilot

In this new series of After Hours content, we’ll explore tips and tricks, engineering, and customer research behind new experiences enabled by GitHub Copilot that are either in the works or ready for customers to try.

GitHub Copilot is a coding assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which can run in various environments and help you be more efficient in your daily coding tasks.

0:00 - Skit: Take me to my menu item
0:29 - Preview of “Ask Copilot” for Feature Search in Visual Studio 2022. Not yet available to the public.

2:23 - Find features you don’t know the name of
3:20 - Get instructions for doing a task (NuGet Restore)
4:25 - Queries don’t have to be exact; “rainbow braces” returns a result for “Brace Pair Colorization”.

5:06 - Other AIs and web searches may not be aware of latest features / changes to interface.
7:46 - Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Visual Studio context: search keywords, settings, commands.
9:36 - Closes the loop between instructions and figuring out how to do it in editor.
11:06 - Direct links to related commands and settings.
11:35 - Further improvements could include testing, UX refinements, and additional RAG sources.
12:31 - More context is not always better.
16:00 - Team is interested in applying AI and natural language to code search.
19:00 - Internal testing of “Ask Copilot” with Feature Search has started, stay tuned for a public release.


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