Working Equitation Nationals -Hartpury

Описание к видео Working Equitation Nationals -Hartpury

Working Equitation Hartpury Nationals- Novice 4th Place
Friday 26th-Saturday 27th July

I am incredibly proud of my pony, Duke. Yesterday at this event I went with an open mind. If all Duke could cope with was to walk round and take it all in, then that was fine by me. It’s a big atmosphere for a young pony with so much to look at.

We got to the event nice and early and parked, tucked away in a quiet spot, with Sheila and Aro. I gave Duke chance to walk round In-Hand to have a look and take everything In. He was doing great, more lorry’s turned up behind the hedge, adding to the atmosphere just caused him to light up a little.
This was a good time to take him back to the lorry ( his safe place) have some yummy food and chill before getting ready for the dressage.

My test was 11.14am
We were in the big outdoor arena, so Duke had to face all the banners and a 2nd horse also doing its test, people sitting up high on the hill watching and all the marquees.

Bless him he had a little look round but then got on with his job. The test was a little wobbly at times and I lost all three halts but felt it best not to try and correct him. Over the last few weeks he has had to pratice rein back, side ways pole and halt with my leg being not so good after my calf injury, so it’s not surprising being such a willing sensitive chap that he was unsure.

I was so thrilled with how he took it all in and got on with his job, for me this was like winning!
So you can imagine how I felt when I was told we were laying 4th at the end of a big class!
Duke you really are one special pony!

Off to the stables to have a rest before the next round.

Second Round to come- Ease Of Handling…8.25pm

After a nice relaxed snooze for Duke in his day stable. 7pm we trundled back to the lorry for dinner, a nice groom and re plait ready for the next round.

Warm up, I was careful to go easy, with some nice flexions and lateral work. We practiced the jump once in canter and that was good, so moved onto the side ways pole, I couldn’t believe my luck, spot on first time, so I felt it best to leave it there. Great confidence boost !

As we are new to this sport and still learning the skills and feelings. I
do find it slightly worrying as it’s
so easy to get the big Elimination. I had been struggling with the rein back as Duke can get sensitive about this. I’ve been working hard on setting Duke up right for the sideways pole, then sitting still and trusting him in his job.

In we go with a big smile!
And yet again Duke was a total star. We struggled with the 2nd canter left on the barrels, bless him a little tired but just got it at the end. Sadly we clipped the jump giving us a 4.
I was over the moon with the rein back bell and beyond chuffed to do the side ways pole spot on in one 😅

Just bouncing off the boards with joy as we came out of the ring, I couldn’t have been more thrilled with Duke.
To come out late at night, and again take it all in, and trust me, giving me his best was just wonderful.

I can’t believe my luck, we are now lying 3rd at the end of the second round…

Third Round, Saturday- The Speed Round!

After a nice night out in the field for Duke, telling his friend all about his day, I got him in early for a deserved sleep, and he was flat out!

At 11.30am we headed back to Hartpury for the speed round.

I’ve not felt so excited and nervous for years… lying 3rd in the placings we were 3rd last to go. This was rather nerve racking both walking the course and then watching.

In the warm up I was trying to keep things calm and relaxed and focusing on my breathing to keep Duke in the same mindset as yesterday.

In we go… ‘Ding-a-ling’….and we’re off!

Duke was fab. We managed all the obstacles, just clipped the sideways pole (for an added 10 seconds) but got the ball ring for a bonus -5 seconds.… We couldn’t quite stop at the bell (oops!) so more rein back. We cleared the jump, cantered the bridge and slalom, and we were through the finish!

I am so incredibly proud of my pony and thrilled to have another fab round for us on our journey!

Now the exciting wait for results…. 4.30 pm and everyone was back in the arena, dressed up on foot for the prize giving!

This was both our first Working Equitation National event and competition in this sport. We came 4th in a big class of super horses and riders.

A huge thank you to Lynne Macleod and Emma Taylor for their help and support with all my training and Top Barn Livery and Clinics for the training competitions they ran. Also to my friends for helping me train at home and videoing me, my family for all their support and help while my calf was bad.

Duke is now back in his field munching grass and I’m on cloud 9.

Thank you:
Aviform Nutrition UK - Horse & Dog
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