The Best Kept Secret To Helping Your Child’s Immune System Thrive

Описание к видео The Best Kept Secret To Helping Your Child’s Immune System Thrive

Does your family constantly get sick and once you finally kick it, something else comes up?!?! It’s so frustrating, especially during the busy fall season. 😣 The good news is that you have found this wildly informative video and can hopefully turn things around for you and your family!

So what is the best-kept secret when it comes to our family’s immune systems? 🤧 The answer is accessing their vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve that reaches all aspects of the immune system, especially the gut!! 💪 To find out your next steps, watch this video from Dr. Sam and learn how our doctors are trained to help vagus nerve dysfunction and get your family back to better health FAST! 🎉


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