Snow Queen

Описание к видео Snow Queen

once upon a time
in a small village
lift two neighbors who were best friends too
their names were GEDA and Kay
they loved each other a lot
as a symbol of their friendship and love
one day they both planted a rose plant
each in their front yards
every morning
they would get together
and water their plants and take care of them
when winters came
Gorda invited K
why don't you come over in the afternoon
my grandma has
promise to make
us a cup of hot chocolate and tell us a story
okay Gorda I will come over after finishing my chores
as promised Kay went to Gorda's home in the afternoon
tell us the story of the Snow Queen Grandmama Baa
there is no Snow Queen
do you still believe in such stories
little did Kay know that the Snow Queen did exist
and she had a magic mirror
with which she could look at anybody
and right at that moment
she was looking into Goda's living room
where they sat
doesn't believe in me does he
I will send him my iceroes that will turn him cold
all the love will be gone from his
ice and his heart will freeze over
and the Snow Queen sent her iceroes towards Cay
as soon as they entered Goda's home
they went straight for Kay's eyes and hurt
ouch my eyes what's happening
they hurt
what is wrong
my heart it hurts too
Kay what's wrong
are you okay
suddenly gaze whole behavior changed towards gurna
oh stop being such a wimp gurner
nothing is wrong get away from me
saying so he shoved Gerda aside and went home
over the next few days he would give cold
Ming looks to Gerda
and would never talk to her nicely
he wouldn't even come to 10th
to the roses that they had planted
one morning when Gerda was watering the plants
she saw Kay get into a carriage
with a lady who was wearing a white gown
she had skin like diamonds
and her hair was silver white
Gerda immediately knew that it was the Snow Queen
she decided to follow her
but the carrot just vanished into thin air
so she went to her grandmama
take this hand mirror and follow what it tells you
the mirror only tells you the truth
Gerda took the mirror from her grandma
and looked into it
the mirror told her to find the flower garden
so Gerda went looking for it
meanwhile once the Snow Queen reached the palace
she told Kate to make it his home
from now on this is your home now
you will never leave here
and once your heart freezes over
you will be mine forever
back in the village
Gerda found the flower garden and entered it
the garden was full of the most beautiful flowers
gird I had ever seen
she fell in love with them immediately
but there was no smell of the flowers
girder bent down and touched one of the flowers to
understand if they were real
as soon as she touched one flower
the fragrances of all flowers returned
and the flower lady appeared in front of her
thank you you have returned the fragrance of my flowers
who are you I am the owner of this garden
I am the flower lady
can you help me
have you seen my friend Kate pass through here
he has been taken by the Snow Queen
oh no the Snow Queen
she is one
you had taken away the fragrance of my flowers
I did not see cake cross from here
but you should try the river outside the village
GEDA thanks the flower lady and went to the river
there she saw a boat waiting for her
she climbed into the boat
and it took her to the pirate ship
aboard the ship
GEDA saw many pirates including a girl pirate
can you help me
I am looking for my friend
K the Snow Queen has taken him
I don't know any key
and even if I did
I wouldn't tell you
because once about the pirate ship
you can't go anywhere
you have to be here
please you have to let me go
cake is my friend
I have to save him
friend you say ha
well I have never had a friend
okay I will help you if you promise to be my friend
yes of course
I would love to be your friend
okay then
take my reindeer
he is the fastest reindeer in the world
and she knows where the Snow Queen's palace is
Gurda thanked the pirate girl
and climbed on the back of the reindeer
just as the pirate girl had promised
the reindeer had Gurda
outside the Snow Queen's palace in no time
Gerdag got off the reindeer
and went inside the palace
Yay are you in here
what are you doing here
I am here to take my friend back with me
your friend doesn't exist anymore
look at him standing there in the corner
just in a few minutes his heart will freeze over
and then he will be mine forever
Gerda turned to see where the Snow Queen had pointed
in the corner stood gay
his lips were blue and eyes were steely cold
Gerda rushed to him
Kay it's me
your friend
when Kay didn't reply she reached out for his hand
his old friend's touch returned the color in Kay's eyes
encouraged by this change
girdup pushed on
remember all the times we had fun at home
now roses that we have in the front yard
there is no point in all this
his heart will free soon
hearing this girder broke down and started crying
as she was crying her tears rolled
on from her eyes
and on to the hands of gay


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