Werin Barîkadan - A las Barricadas in Kurdish

Описание к видео Werin Barîkadan - A las Barricadas in Kurdish

What happened in Barcelona on 19th July 1936 was repeated 76 years later. We started in Kobanê, and it was there that we put up our fiercest resistance. Countless comrades have
fallen to defend this city against the fascists, just like the countless comrades who gave their live to defend the revolution in Catalonia and Spain.
The spirit of revolutionary Barcelona lives on in the streets of the towns and villages of Rojava. This is a great chance for us as artists and revolutionaries to form new ties.

Performed by members of the Mohamed Şêxo art and culture center in Qamişlo.

Link to audio: http://rojavaplan.com/uploads/werin_b...
Bahozên reş hewayan dilerizînin
Ewrên tarî nahêlin em bibînin
Tevî ku mirin û zorî li benda me dibin
Bi ruha hevaltî em ê tirs derbas bikin

Azadî, xweserî û rizgariya jin
Wek pivan hejatirîn gerek bên parastin

Ala şoreşgeran em hildin azmanê
Û cîhanê nû bi destê xwe em afirînin
Ala şoreşgeran em hildin azmanê
Û cîhanê nû bi destê xwe em afirînin

Bi dil û evîn amade bin heval
Baviksalarî û dewlet dawî bikin

Werin barîkadan, werin barîkadan
Ji bo serkeftina konfederasyon!
Werin barîkadan, werin barîkadan
Ji bo serkeftina konfederasyon!


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