Koevoet History (Documentary) (SF DVD?)

Описание к видео Koevoet History (Documentary) (SF DVD?)

This documentary is about SWAPOL-COIN (South West Afrika Police-Counter Insurgency), also known as "Operation-K" or "Koevoet". It was a special branch of SWAPOL, which was a branch of the SAP (South Afrikan Police). I could go on and on...

I'm not too sure if this is in another version of the Soldier's Friend DVD or what, I just found it here on Youtube awhile back and saw it has the Soldier's Friend watermark and text style. I suspect there is a more high-quality version of this somewhere...

If you have any information on this documentary, please let me know ASAP.

A short biography I wrote about Hans Dreyer, the man at the beginning of the video and the founder of Koevoet:

Major General Johannes Gerhardus Dreyer (Commonly known as "Sterk Hans") was a founding member of Koevoet, which was also known as SWAPOL-COIN
(South-West-Afrika-Police-Counter-Insurgency) during the South Afrikan Border War (1966-1989). He was also the commander of the unit from its founding in 1979 until its disbandment in 1989.

He was born in 1931. He served 16 years in the South African Police (SAP) in Natal, while also serving with Rhodesian BSAP and Selous Scouts Units (As an Instructor/advisor possibly?), before being transferred to SWAPOL in 1978. After talking with an Ovambo headsman about the role police could play in anti-terrorist operations, the headsman liked his idea and he was given 60 Ovambo trackers and a few white policemen, and then would found Koevoet the following year. After Koevoet's success, in the mid 1980s he was given several opportunities to go back to South Afrika and become a high ranking police member (Presumably around the same time Eugene De Kock left Koevoet in 1984) but refused (Insisting he would rather stay with his men), and was promoted to Major General in 1987. He would remain in command of Koevoet until its disbandment in 1989. He would then be a part of SWAPOL until Namibia's independence in 1990. After Koevoet's disbandment and his return to South Afrika, he would keep in contact with many of his men, and would attend a local gym to keep his health in better shape (Source: Koevoet! By Jim Hooper). He died on Sunday, November 1st 2015 from organ failure in a private hospital in Pretoria, South Afrika.

This biography is made from news articles that have quoted Hans Dreyer, and a now deleted online article that I found, as well as the book "Koevoet!" by Jim Hooper, which I own a copy of.


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