How is Thadekile Kawawa - a Discovery HomeCare nurse - perfecting home-based nursing care?

Описание к видео How is Thadekile Kawawa - a Discovery HomeCare nurse - perfecting home-based nursing care?

Discovery HomeCare is a unique service offered in the South African medical scheme market. HomeCare provides patients who have specific healthcare needs with access to high-quality care solutions in the comfort of their home. Now, one of the programme’s nurses, Thandekile Kawawa, who has worked in nursing since 1970, shares her love for her patients in her own words.

Highly skilled HomeCare nurses like Thandekile, share regular progress reports with referring doctors to enable monitoring of patients’ progress and provide access to the best care and outcomes. Discovery HomeCare has several applications which range from wound-care to IV infusions, post-natal care and end-of-life care.


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