
Описание к видео 10.學而篇第九章:慎終追遠


10.學而篇 第九章







Teacher Tang Yuling will accompany you to read The Analects
10.Book 1 Xue Er (On Learning), Chapter 9

Highlights of this lecture include:
1. The meaning of “Let there be a careful attention to perform the funeral rites to parents, and let them be followed when long gone with the ceremonies of sacrifice”
“Be careful about parents to the end”; stands for carefully observes and attends to the needs of the parents when they are healthy and ill. The heart of caring shall be extended to after they passed away to cover ceremonies such as funerals and mourning period. This is considered part of the fulfillment of filial piety.
“Let them be followed when long gone with the ceremonies of sacrifice”; means continue in reverence the death of parents beyond the three-year mourning period with ancestral worshipping ceremonies. This is the kind of respect and homage descendants will pay for the family’s long gone ancestors. Parents’ names will be written on tablets and placed along other ancestral tablets in the clan temple, and rites of commemoration will carry out on regular base.

2. The good effect of “Let there be a careful attention to perform the funeral rites to parents, and let them be followed when long gone with the ceremonies of sacrifice”
China is a country that values the filial piety most. People followed the filial piety of “careful attendance to parents to the end and continue in reverence after they are long gone” can unite a family and a clan. Leaders of state and nation prevailed filial piety by their own personal examples. The acts on the part of superiors to officials can educate the commoners in such a way that the commoners will learn how to practice filial piety and ancestral worship encourages the good nature of being grateful to their parents and showing gratitude for others. The sons learn ancestral worship from their fathers, and the practices will carry on from generation to generation. A true national harmony will be developed in the social level, and then transformed into national strengths in various forms, brings stability, happiness and prosperity to the people, and good name to the state and nation that can attract people from afar.


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