FIVE exhaust on a Bugatti - Type 57 SC Atalante. One of 14. Walkaround, sound, drive by

Описание к видео FIVE exhaust on a Bugatti - Type 57 SC Atalante. One of 14. Walkaround, sound, drive by

Over more than 100 years, the history of automobiles has produced virtually no other model that has generated as much admiration as the Type 57 Bugatti. The optional supercharger enabled the engine to generate up to 200 hp and these cars had the top speed of more than 210 km/h. Performance figures like this were absolutely unrivaled among the dreamcars in the pre-war era. However it is the flat incomparably racy silhouettes penned by the inspired Jean Bugatti that create the aura that surround some of the models with the magic type number. This was prticurlarly true of the legendary Atalante. Out of 17 coupes that were created on the S chassis there are now 14 still in existance. This particular car left the factory in the 1937 as a type 57 S only to return 3 years later to have a supercharger fitted and be upgraded to the SC specification.


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