Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Essence - Best atmosphere

Описание к видео Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Essence - Best atmosphere

"Beautiful glow..."

Command & Conquer: Tiberium essence is a perfect example of "What If..." In 2007 Westwood Studios could possibly release their new title in Command & Conquer series, related to Tiberium universe. Tiberium Essence brings back all the desired things from Second Tiberium War, into third with enhanced visuals and recognizable classic designs.
Tiberium Essence is still in development and I'm highly excited about it, since current version (dated on January 3'd 2019) presented to us new faction: Forgotten. Tiberium Essence 2 will contain 5 factions, last news were made during December 11'th 2023 and fifth faction C.A.B.A.L. will fill the roster with army of cyborgs and robotic vehicles that closely resemble "the Terminator" franchise.
Get Tiberium Essence here:


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