Andy Starr's 582 cid Big Block Chevy Engine

Описание к видео Andy Starr's 582 cid Big Block Chevy Engine

Andy Starr of Starr Performance Tuning & Consulting has been around drag-and-drive and performance vehicles for a long time. As a member of the Hilborn Injection team and now the owner of his own tuning business, Andy helps plenty of people put power to the ground effectively and efficiently. We caught up with him at Hot Rod Drag Week 2024 to get the details of his 1956 Bel-Air, which boasts a naturally aspirated 582 cid big block Chevy engine. It's our Engine of the Week brought to you by ‪@penngrade1motoroil830‬, ‪@elringdasoriginal‬and NPW Companies.
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