Godin Multiac Steel Natural HG Demo with Line 6 Helix and Acoustic IR

Описание к видео Godin Multiac Steel Natural HG Demo with Line 6 Helix and Acoustic IR

There are hardly any videos of this amazing guitar, so I threw something together to show off the Godin Multiac Steel Natural HG. I play the dry acoustic sound straight from the guitar first then eventually kick on an acoustic impulse response and some EQ from my Helix. Lastly, I layer in the electric sound along with some rad effects. Yes, I said "rad."

I've owned hybrid acoustic/electric guitars in the past, but none compared to this on the acoustic quality.

1:05 – dry acoustic sound
2:40 – add the saturation slider in
3:35 – add IR via Helix
4:30 – most of the other Helix effects added in
6:30 – electric only
8:10 – acoustic + wet electric (my favoritest)
11:00 – acoustic + dirty electric
12:07 – just some general playing...peace out!

EDIT: Aug 16, 2020. I have tweaked the patch a bit and uploaded it to Google Drive (link below). On the acoustic, I am using an IR from Worship Tutorials called SE HB II Piezo. If you don't want to bother with that, turn off the IR then turn ON the EQ which is dialed in for no IR. On the electric, I'm using the Ownhammer 212 VC30 BLU-12C Vintage DK. You'll have to play around with your own IRs or cabs if you don't have that one.

Link to Godin's Description


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