Our Middle School Game Unity3d

Описание к видео Our Middle School Game Unity3d

This is one of the games I developed for my middle school class to teach them a little more about object based coding with c# in Unity. It is a multiplayer game but I was just controlling the top player. Excuse the yellow dot in the middle of the screen. That was just my mouse that came out in the screen recording. Also I realize the music style doesn't match so well but I just found what I could for free that sounded good.

Thanks for the free use of:
Menu Music: HeatlyBros. 8-Bit Summer
   • Level Up Theme Song "8 Bit Summer!" b...  

Game Music:Tregs. Berry
   • TREGS - Berry | Majestic Color  

PlayerWins Music: Heatly Bros. 8-bit Fun
   • "8 Bit Fun!" Happy Cute Chiptune Game...  

Font: Planet Kosmos by Planet


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