Описание к видео QUIT vs FIRE

И у нас снова хорошие новости!
В июне наш Институт IBA получил право на принятие международного экзамена TOEIC.

Проверьте себя на знание бизнес-лексики!

I. Fill each space with a suitable word from the video item.

1. It’s worth learning some tips how to …………… from a job in a professional manner and not burn bridges.
2. He got ………………. of his company for not meeting deadlines and falling out with his colleagues every now and then.
3. An ultimatum was presented ordering Turkey within twenty-four hours to ……………. the French ambassador, hand over the Turkish fleet, and make peace with Russia.
4. Susan ………. after half a year in the job because she had to work overtime regularly.
5. He got the ………….. for laziness.
6. How to ask for a pay-raise without worrying about getting …………….

II. Use an appropriate word given in CAPITAL below to form a word that fits in the space in the sentencse.


1. ……………………….is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the employee
2. A …………………………. letter is an official letter sent by an employee to their employer giving notice they will no longer be working at the company.


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