персонаж сплит реален?! диссоциативное расстройство идентичности

Описание к видео персонаж сплит реален?! диссоциативное расстройство идентичности

моя страница - https://vk.com/great_108
моя группа - https://vk.com/the_new_generation_108
кошелек - https://qiwi.me/e0e86c60-29dd-4c27-82...
Aida Alayarian Trauma / Torture and Dissociation: A Psychoanalytic View. Front Cover. Karnac Books, 2011 - С. 50-77.
Braun, B., Sacks, R. / The Development of Multiple Personality Disorder: Predisposing, Precipitating and Perpetuating Factors. In R. Kluft Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality. // Washington. American Psychiatric Press – 1985. С. 37-64.
Philip M. Coons, M.D. / Psychophysiologic Aspects of Multiple Personality Disorder A Review // Chicago: Rush-Presbyterian-St Lukes Medical Center. – 1984. – С. 47-51.
Sight and blindness in the same person: Gating in the visual system. / Institute of Medical Psychology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany. – 2015. С. 2-6.
Taylor, W.S. & Martin, M.F. / Multiple personality. Journal of abnormal and social psychology. – 1944. С. 281-300.


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