《IVORY TOWER》澤野弘之 (さわの ひろゆき) & SennaRin 龙族(Dragon Raja)片头曲/主题曲 | CC歌词

Описание к видео 《IVORY TOWER》澤野弘之 (さわの ひろゆき) & SennaRin 龙族(Dragon Raja)片头曲/主题曲 | CC歌词

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IVORY TOWER (feat. SennaRin) - 澤野弘之 (さわの ひろゆき) /SennaRin
It's not easy lose my grip those dreams are calling me(举步维艰 失去掌控 我听到来自过去梦想的召唤)
Like a hermit used to find a reason not to be(藏匿起身影 千般借口无所作为)
You teach me about the history of our fallen heroes(你低沉的嗓音娓娓道来过去英灵的往事)
Realize I have found a solid companion(回过神来 我已向伙伴交付我全部的信任)
Cos i was afraid(我曾惶恐不安)
Was alone in a cave like a stone(我曾孤身一人像洞穴里孤独的石头)
This dance is so dangerous(世界充满了危险)
So cryptic it changes us(晦涩又神秘 改变了我们)
But the secrets that we learn can give power to all of us(而我们学到的隐秘 给予我们无穷的力量)
Dance shook me dangerous(世界 充满了危险)
So glad that you came to us(诚挚欢迎你的加入)
Can a lesson that we learn transform our view(一节课的时间就能颠覆我的认知)
Do you hear me(你听到了吗)
Destination I(归宿)
Gotta invitation I(我收到了邀请)
Gonna change all my sense of reality(我将打破所有固有的观念)
Gonna change reality(窥见世界的真相)
Come on my destination I(上吧 我的归宿)
Got my information I(我已知晓一切)
Gonna change all my sense of reality(我将打破所有固有的观念)
Gonna change reality(窥见世界的真相)
In too deep(陷得太深)
When did we pass the point of no return(我们什么时候过了不归路)
A new way to slay the beast(一种杀死野兽的新方法)
We're gonna beat the burn(我们要战胜燃烧)
Don't think twice keep on pounding on the wall till it shatters(不要三思而后行继续敲打墙壁直到它破碎)
Turn the tide(扭转局势)
Gotta climb the ladder that matters(必须爬上重要的阶梯)
Cos i was afraid(我曾惶恐不安)
Was alone in a cave like a stone(我曾孤身一人像洞穴里孤独的石头)
This dance is so dangerous(世界充满了危险)
So cryptic it changes us(晦涩又神秘 改变了我们)
But the secrets that we learn can give power to all of us(而我们学到的隐秘 给予我们无穷的力量)
Dance shook me dangerous(世界 充满了危险)
So glad that you came to us(诚挚欢迎你的加入)
Can a lesson that we learn transform our view(一节课的时间就能颠覆我的认知)
Do you hear me(你听到了吗)
Destination I(归宿)
Gotta invitation I(我收到了邀请)
Gonna change all my sense of reality(我将打破所有固有的观念)
Gonna change reality(窥见世界的真相)
Come on my destination I(上吧 我的归宿)
Got my information I(我已知晓一切)
Gonna change all my sense of reality(我将打破所有固有的观念)
Gonna change reality(窥见世界的真相)
Can hear them calling(能听到他们的呼唤吗)
Can hear them calling(能听到他们的呼唤吗)
Can hear them calling(能听到他们的呼唤吗)
Can hear them(能听到他们吗)
Fight for us(为大家而战)
Can hear them calling from towers that we trust(从那信赖的高塔传来呼唤)
Can feel the legacy grow and so we must(无名的遗产不断累积 我们相信)
Stand together be tight(团结一致 紧密相连)
Making everything right(做出正确的选择)
Empowers you to be strong(将赋予你战无不胜的力量)
Do you hear me(你听到了吗)
Destination I(归宿)
Gotta invitation I(我收到了邀请)
Gonna change all my sense of reality(我将打破所有固有的观念)
Gonna change reality(窥见世界的真相)
Come on my destination I(上吧 我的归宿)
Got my information I(我已知晓一切)
Gonna change all my sense of reality(我将打破所有固有的观念)
Gonna change reality(窥见世界的真相)


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