Healing Bell's Palsy Naturally w/ Dr. Brett Jones - Episode1

Описание к видео Healing Bell's Palsy Naturally w/ Dr. Brett Jones - Episode1

On Thursday December 1st, 2022, Natasha woke up with the left side of her face in partial paralysis. She went to urgent care which then referred her to the emergency department to rule out a potential stroke. After the CT scans ruled out stroke, a diagnosis of Bell's Palsy was given and she was prescribed acyclovir (ZOVIRAX) and methylprednisolone (MEDROL DOSEPACK).

This visit on video was recorded Saturday December 3rd, 2022, two days after onset of symptoms.

According to mayoclinic.org, "Bell's palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. In most cases, the weakness is temporary and significantly improves over weeks. The weakness makes half of the face appear to droop. Smiles are one-sided, and the eye on the affected side resists closing.

Bell's palsy is also known as acute peripheral facial palsy of unknown cause. It can occur at any age. The exact cause is unknown. Experts think it's caused by swelling and inflammation of the nerve that controls the muscles on one side of the face. It could be caused by a reaction that occurs after a viral infection."

In Natasha's case, she was recovering from two back to back viral infections. So part of the cause was due to stress of pathogen. Another part of the cause was due to other stress in her life.

However, although stress and pathogen may have been a trigger, we need to ask the question, "WHY Bell's Palsy?"

We are all interacting with viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens every day.

For those that didn't know, we have more viral cells in our body than we have human cells (called our "virome")

The problem is not the virus. If it was, everyone interacting with virus would get Bell's Palsy (they don't).

The problem is in the inability to adapt to the environmental stressor (pathogen), and this in large part due to a mechanical disturbance inhibiting correct "flow" and creating excess inflammation.

The nerve being affected in Bell's Palsy is cranial nerve 7 (CN VII), the facial nerve..

The facial nerve exits the skull via the "stylomastoid foramen."

The stylomastoid foramen is just anterior of the mastoid process of the occiput and posterior of the TMJ.

For the Bell's Palsy clients I have seen, there is always a mechanical disturbance in the upper cervical spine, cranial bones, and/or TMJ on the same side of the paralysis.

Natasha will be healing Bell's Palsy naturally, without the medications which were prescribed to her (which our known immune-suppressants).

I will be updating the healing progress with future video/s.

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In natural health and healing,
Dr. Brett Jones


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