Variety Jane Crush - becoming a fav 😍💕

Описание к видео Variety Jane Crush - becoming a fav 😍💕

We need to find a short form for Variety Jane because she’s becoming a fixture on this channel. I love everything that Varj has to offer (why does Varj sound sooo… icky?🥶)

So here in this spread (oo how about VREAD, for variety spread??? Nah 🤦‍♀️) we have :

Lazy homemades 😋
Dyed blocks assorted 😘
Fresh OK chalk 💥
Reforms from last week’s crushes 😍
Pasted chalks 🤤
What else? I’m sure I’ve missed something

I’ve decided variety spread crushes ARE THE BEST 😍💕💕

Ps - bonus S chalk with cornstarch was a VIBE (sorry it was slightly out of frame - this is why you must keep your eye on the camera while crushing 🤦‍♀️💕💕)

Ps ps - simply cannot WAIT for the members live at 5pm swiss time on friday to crush all things S 😍💕



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