How To Improve Slow Speed/FPS/Performance in Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge

Описание к видео How To Improve Slow Speed/FPS/Performance in Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge

0:00​ - Intro
1:22 - Tutorial/Patch
2:55​ - Perfomance Improvements

Improving Performance:

Paste VideoBackBuffer=no in Ra2.ini and Ra2md.ini files. (Find the [Video] section inside the files)

Apply the patch by clicking the (Activate patch) button in CnCGraphicsPatch.exe file. (After downloading the patch below):

Patch Backup:


If issues arise after pasting VideoBackBuffer=no in the .ini files and applying the patch. You can remove both or just one and see if the issue is resolved. Heres how:

You can remove the patch by clicking the (Deactivate patch) button in CnCGraphicsPatch.exe file.

Remove VideoBackBuffer=no in Ra2.ini and Ra2md.ini files (find VideoBackBuffer=no in the [Video] section of the files)

Performance is better without bandicam. Thanks for watching!


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