Rhino User Webinar: CyberCraft, fusing handcraft and digitalcraft

Описание к видео Rhino User Webinar: CyberCraft, fusing handcraft and digitalcraft

Description: The webinar features CyberCraft -Institute, -Kolleg and Labs based at the OTH Regensburg and demonstrate the benefits of fusing manual building processes, crafts and digital tools through a simple proof-of concept use-case.
Highly user-friendly interfaces make new digital tools and associated fabrication methods accessible to artisans, allowing an intuitive way to use contemporary design and fabrication media and techniques.
Rhinoceros 3D, in connection with Grasshopper, can become an outlet or platform for exploring the above mentioned concepts to implement them as plugins or stand-alone applications. New crafting practices emerge by meshing real-time sensing, computation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
The time-consuming process of digital programming becomes superfluous. Humans lead the way; robots learn, understand and interact using digital sensors. Alternatively, they provide virtual instructions for manual processes in construction and crafts, for example, with the help of AR glasses.
Instead of replacing people, these systems help us perform tasks in construction and the skilled trades virtuously. They are human extensions, new "super tools."

Christophe Barlieb is a cybercraft architect specializing in architecture media theories and practices. He is a tenured Professor at the Chair of Design and Construction in VR/AR and the CyberCraft Lab of the University of Applied Sciences in Regensburg (OTH Regensburg), Faculty of Architecture, and the Regensburg School of Digital Sciences. He is the co-founder and co-director of the CyberCraft Kolleg at the OTH and CEO of CyberCraft Institute CCI), a German non-profit association promoting research and knowledge of cybercrafts. He is the author of 'Cybercraft: Das neue Paradigma,' and co-editor of 'Media Agency – Neue Ansätze zur Medialität in der Architektur.'

Florian Weininger graduated in civil engineering from the Technical University of Munich. In 2007 he founded the engineering firm LEICHT with offices in Rosenheim and Munich and the engineering office BPL enclosure engineering in Atlanta (USA)in 2018. In 2019, Florian Weininger was appointed tenured Professor at the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH) in Regensburg for structural engineering in the civil engineering faculty.

Sebastian Voigt is a product design, robotic fabrication specialist, and cybercrafter. He owns Design + Robotics, holds a MA from FH Potsdam and IAAC, is a research fellow and lecturer at the CyberCraft Kolleg at the OTH Regensburg, and supervises the CyberCraft Cave architecture faculty. He specialized in Hybrid-Manufacturing technologies relying on reusable materials.

Marc Schmailzl is an architect, robotic fabrication specialist, and cybercrafter. He holds a MAR from The Technical University of Munich. He is a Ph.D. candidate, research fellow, and lecturer at the CyberCraft Kolleg at the OTH Regensburg and supervises the Building Lab at the civil engineering faculty.

0:00 - Intro
1:10 - CyberCraft - Christophe Barlieb
28:05 - Rhino & Grasshopper for Machine Control - Marc Schmailzl
39:30 - Examples - Sebastian Voigt
51:10 - Q&A


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