Ladakh working towards a sustainable future by building roads using plastic waste

Описание к видео Ladakh working towards a sustainable future by building roads using plastic waste

Ladakh's administration is building roads with increasing plastic waste. Protect the environment, reduce carbon footprints, and preserve Himalayan ecology.

Ladakh's government says 10% of roads will be made of plastic.
The Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) trained local engineers to achieve this.

Kargil held a waste plastic road construction training on July 11.
Engineers learned how to enhance cold-weather road building.

Ladakh's Rural Development Department and Central Road Research Institute organised the programme (CRRI)

The administration has approved plastic waste in road construction.
Ladakh's PWD Administrative Secretary ordered construction with plastic waste.

All bituminous roads in Ladakh must include at least 10% plastic bottles, containers, etc.

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