Cozy Cottage | Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot Design | 原神 塵歌壺

Описание к видео Cozy Cottage | Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot Design | 原神 塵歌壺

Thank you for watching.
summer country house.
well then I hope you enjoy it!

🗺 Area
Cool Isle - Letter Isle
清玉の島 - 手紙の島

📖 ReplicaID
(Available only on Asia server. Additionally, this ID may be deleted without prior notice.)

🎬 Time Stamp
0:00 Introduction ご紹介ムービー
1:12 Furnishings list 調度品リスト
1:24 making-of video 制作風景

∞---------------------------- 𓏲𓎨.*˚
🎧 Thanks BGM
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#GenshinImpact #SereniteaPot #原神 #塵歌壺


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