Morse Code 10 WPM: The Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 2

Описание к видео Morse Code 10 WPM: The Science of Getting Rich - Chapter 2

In my opinion: Investing has more to do with human nature than with balance sheets. Mastering investor psychology self discipline is more fruitful than learning to read stock charts.

So how have I trained myself to ignore the media noise and stay focused? One method is to control my thoughts through mindfulness. No, I’m not into any trendy Zen Yoga, I'm too nerdy for all that. But I do believe in clarifying one’s mind…through focused thought.

One technique I use is to practice Morse code. It’s a form of mental exercise, much like solving a crossword puzzle or Sudoku. I realize it’s not for everyone, but that’s ok, use what works for you.

This video is nearly 2 hours of Morse code @10wpm of Wallace D Wattles’ classic The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 2. A book in the public domain. Sit back, relax and discipline your mind.

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The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and does not imply an offer of investment advice or recommendation. For additional disclosures, please see the firm’s website:


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