Mac Tonight At Orlando (Compilation)

Описание к видео Mac Tonight At Orlando (Compilation)

Sorry for the re-upload. The songs "Do You Want To Know A Secret", "I Saw Her Standing There" and "Twist And Shout" made my video blocked in the US, so I removed them.

While I was in Orlando, I visited the "World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's" multiple times in hopes of catching Mac Tonight while he was running, with little luck.

My friend Grant (CEC Florida) and I decided to go last night not expecting him to be running at 10pm, but sure enough he was! He is on a timer that starts every 5-6 minutes. He is very loud and starts up suddenly, which is startling and nearly makes you drop whatever you're holding into the fountain below him haha.

I believe (in addition to the three songs I mentioned above) that these are all the songs he's programmed to play (at least here in Orlando). He's not working 100% so please don't judge the animatronic on this. Look up the video "Mac Tonight and the Rockin' Chickens" or check out my Mac Tonight Compilation #2 video to see how he's supposed to work.

I'm so happy I finally got to see him in person. I didn't expect to be able to see all of his performances, let alone at a time when it was quiet with few people around so I could film them.

I just wish they'd take that stupid cape off of him, haha.


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