🔴 Electronics Tools For Beginners - No.8 - LCR Meters - No.1009

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Electronics Tools For Beginners - No.8 - LCR Meters

The video series where I teach you about electronics equipment and tools, for newbies and hobbyists.

Item Reviews or Product Links:
1:10 - DER DE5000: https://defs.link/?u=3ca1166
1:22 - UNI-T UT612:    • 🔴 #623 UNI-T UT612 LCR Meter Teardown...   https://defs.link/?u=91a7b4c
1:57 - Peak ESR70:    • 🔴 Peak Electronic Design ESR70 Gold R...  
2:15 - East Tester ET4401:    • #675 East Tester ET4401 LCR Meter Rev...   https://defs.link/?u=54d7e49

Electronics For Beginners Video Series: https://defs.link/?u=a6c8d65
Electronics Tools For Beginners Video Series: https://defs.link/?u=1eea385

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My Electronics Tools (video and purchase links)

1062: https://defs.link/?u=4423e96
4700: https://defs.link/?u=e976205

4261A: https://defs.link/?u=07ed95
5342A 18GHz: https://defs.link/?u=5f7513
6181B: https://defs.link/?u=b12aef
8012B: https://defs.link/?u=ca5764
8648B: https://defs.link/?u=da52a3
8901B: https://defs.link/?u=535835
DSOX1102G: https://defs.link/?u=a68d39 https://defs.link/?u=12d498
E3646A: https://defs.link/?u=128f4a

2955: https://defs.link/?u=6f6e5e
TF2103: https://defs.link/?u=61baaa

Rohde & Schwarz
SMY: https://defs.link/?u=93514b
CMU200: https://defs.link/?u=8ccd72
Polarad SPN: https://defs.link/?u=2ead82

SDM3065X: https://defs.link/?u=1ed0fe https://defs.link/?u=12d498
SDS2102 (hacked to 340MHz): https://defs.link/?u=1ed0fe https://defs.link/?u=12d498
SDS2104 X Plus.
SDP1168X: https://defs.link/?u=1ed0fe https://defs.link/?u=12d498
SDL1020X-E: https://defs.link/?u=a0eccb

Other Equipment
UNI-T UTi260B Thermal Imager: https://defs.link/?u=f3283d7 (use discount code: BG45411)
KSGER T12 Soldering Iron: https://defs.link/?u=620ace http://defs.link/?u=5c112e
Quick 861DW: https://defs.link/?u=138c0f https://defs.link/?u=a3fc81
Pro'skit SS-331 Desoldering Station:    • 🔴 ProsKit SS-331 Desoldering Station ...  
S-993A: https://defs.link/?u=079677 https://defs.link/?u=e855a0
EEVBlog BM235: https://defs.link/?u=12d498
YR1030 Battery ESR: https://defs.link/?u=c56527
Heathkit IT-12 Signal Tracer.
Racal Dana 1992: https://defs.link/?u=8eeeba
Bird 43: https://defs.link/?u=4b18f7
Sinadder 3: https://defs.link/?u=2bf1dd
Audio Control SA-3050A RTA: https://defs.link/?u=a04df2
Korad KA3305D: https://defs.link/?u=69090a
PDVS2mini: https://defs.link/?u=869ba4
Valhalla 2703: https://defs.link/?u=06bcfc
Feeltech FY6800: https://defs.link/?u=8b98cd http://defs.link/?u=34d101
Eakins Microscope: https://defs.link/?u=b0278b https://defs.link/?u=262327
Mustool G600: https://defs.link/?u=b8bc26 https://defs.link/?u=33f0aa
Uni-T UT210E: https://defs.link/?u=391ce3 https://defs.link/?u=ea4edc
DER DE-5000: https://defs.link/?u=0d9160 https://defs.link/?u=12d498
MK-328: https://defs.link/?u=0d9160 https://defs.link/?u=739ee7
MESR-100: https://defs.link/?u=0d9160 https://defs.link/?u=009419
ESR Meter: https://defs.link/?u=0d9160
HOPI: https://defs.link/?u=7fab55
PeakMeter PM6252: https://defs.link/?u=59ef66
HS1010: https://defs.link/?u=10c699


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