The Sacred Healing Mantra of Great Mahasiddha His Eminence Lama Gangchen Rinpoche 大成就者依尊喇嘛剛堅仁波切之療愈聖咒

Описание к видео The Sacred Healing Mantra of Great Mahasiddha His Eminence Lama Gangchen Rinpoche 大成就者依尊喇嘛剛堅仁波切之療愈聖咒

Sung by the Great Mahasiddha His Eminence Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and His disciples. ‪@NgalSoVideos‬ owns the copyright of this song.

Sacred Mantra of His Eminence Lama Gangchen Rinpoche:
嗡 啊 古褥 瓦嘉打喇 屬媽抵 牟尼夏沙餒 卡爾瑪 烏他瓦搭拿也 悉利把搭喇 哇撒瑪尼雅 撒哇悉地吽吽
Recite this mantra whenever and wherever you go to connect with this high lama and receive His infinite love and blessing.

Short Biography of HE Lama Gangchen Rinpoche
In 1941, the world was gifted with a great Mahasiddha when His Eminence Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche was born in Western Tibet. Descending from a long line of incarnations that originate from the great Mahasiddha Darikapa, one of the 84 Mahasiddhas, many of Lama Gangchen’s previous incarnations have held the position of Abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. This deep connection with Tashi Lhunpo and the line of Panchen Lamas continues to this day.

At the tender age of five, Lama Gangchen was recognised as the reincarnate Lama-Healer and enthroned at Gangchen Choepeling Monastery. At 12 years old, he received the “Kachen” degree, a qualification usually conferred after 20 years of study. Lama Gangchen then spent the next five years studying in Sera and Tashi Lhunpo monasteries on the subjects of medicine, astrology, meditation and philosophy. He also studied in various other places such as Gangchen Gompa, Tropu Gompa and Neytsong Monastery and became the disciple of some of the most important Lamas of the Gelugpa tradition including His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang.

In 1963, Lama Gangchen left Tibet to join the exiled Tibetan community in India and continued his studies at the Varanasi Sanskrit University in Benares for the next seven years. Later in 1970, Lama Gangchen also received his Geshe Rigram degree from Sera Monastic University. For the next 10 years, Lama Gangchen served the community as a healer and saved countless lives. His fame as a healer grew to the point where he was engaged as the private physician of the Royal Family.

Gangchen Rinpoche has a huge and lovely residence in Nepal, which was built upon a land that was dry and without any water source. Upon arriving on the site, Gangchen Rinpoche urinated on a spot upon this land and within a few days, from that very source, spring water sprung forth. To this day, many are still enjoying clean, clear, unlimited water from the place that Gangchen Rinpoche had blessed. Wherever he travels, people often see rainbows or double rainbows appearing over his residence – a very auspicious sign to announce the arrival of a great being and to show that the nature and land gods are very pleased that he is there.

Lama Gangchen’s first visit to Europe took place in 1981, and within the same year he established his first centre Karuna Choetsok in Lesbos, Greece. From 1982 onwards, Lama Gangchen travelled the world extensively, healing and teaching many who crossed his path, and leading many pilgrimages to various holy places around the world.

Lama Gangchen is an incredibly well respected Lama in the East and more recently in the West, ever since Tibetan Buddhism was brought abroad. Whenever Lama Gangchen visits his personal monastery in Shigatse as well as Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, both located in close proximity with each other, tens of thousands of devotees will gather to receive his blessings. In some instances, it has taken Lama Gangchen three full days to place his hands on the head of every single devotee who came to seek his blessings.

Not only is Lama Gangchen a Tantric master of the Yamantaka, Guhyasamaja, Heruka and Vajrayogini Tantras, he is also well known for his mastery of the Kalachakra Tantras and for his closeness to the mystical land of Shambhala. It is said that Lama Gangchen has taken rebirth in the holy land of Shambhala countless times and even now, he has the ability to astral travel to Shambhala in an instant.

Lama Gangchen is also renowned for his full accomplishment of the Medicine Buddha practice. It is a common Tibetan belief that to see, feel or visualise Lama Gangchen is equal to being in the presence of the Medicine Buddha. Countless people have survived debilitating and life-threatening diseases with near-impossible chances of recovery with the help of Lama Gangchen’s healing blessings, complemented with Western or traditional Tibetan medication. One of Lama Gangchen’s most important projects is the integration between Tibetan Medicine and allopathic medicine. Tibetan Medicine is incredibly effective but its healing mechanisms are still widely unknown, making this project an incredibly important one in uncovering this treasure trove of knowledge for the benefit of many.

His kindness, compassion and continuous effort to promote the growth of the Buddhadharma has manifested in over 100 centres worldwide.


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