How to Talk to a Man, So He'll Listen - Dr. John Gray

Описание к видео How to Talk to a Man, So He'll Listen - Dr. John Gray

More about the Guest: Dr. John Gray ‪@JohnGrayMarsVenus‬
Author of several book, including, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"
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Host: Suzanne Oshima
Life & Love Transformational Coach
Your Next Amazing Story!

Show # 303 : How to Talk to a Man, So He'll Listen

Have you ever been in a relationship/marriage where you shared something so important with him...but you felt like he wasn't listening?!

You're not alone!

One of my good friends, Samantha* has been with her boyfriend, Cliff* for about 2 years (*she allowed me to share their story with you, as long as I changed their names).

Overall they have a great relationship, but every so often an issue arises, and it always has to do with communication.

About a month ago, they planned a weekend getaway to a secluded cabin up at the lake.

Samantha was super excited about it, but when she casually brought it up to him on the phone about two weeks before they were supposed to go away...he was dead silent.

Why was he silent?

It was obvious to Samantha that he had completely forgot about it.

She was so angry and hurt, that she flew off the handle and started yelling at him...and from there it went completely downhill.

Cliff felt completely attacked out of nowhere. So, he got defensive and became very dismissive of her.

And Samantha felt like he didn't respect or care about her feelings.

At this point, they both stopped listening to each other and Samantha got so frustrated, that she did what you should never do in the heat of the moment...she hung up on him!

That's when she reached out to me.

Before I could even ask, "what's wrong?"...

Samantha blurted out, "He never listens to me!"

When she told me the whole story, she said, "He's the one who forgot about our weekend getaway! What did I do wrong?!"

Ummm...well, that's when I had to tell her the truth.

I said, "I know you're angry with Cliff and I completely understand why you are, but it's all in how you talk to him about it."

"If you start off the conversation on the wrong foot and don't talk to him in a way that he understands you, then it's not going to end well."

Which as you can didn't!

If you want to find out how to talk to a man, so he'll listen and make it a win, win for both you, then tune into my amazing interview with Dr. John Gray, Author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".



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