Following a recent fatal basejumping accident I have made that video as a visual aid to help people understand the dangers and configuration of that pinlock. Please forgive the low quality of the video, I improvised it quickly for the sake of spreading the information to as many jumpers as possible.

This was the original message I posted for context:

"This is not the first time this mistake killed a jumper, and it’s my absolute nightmare: see BFL 288
Before anyone judges… it is REALLY easy to make this packing mistake and it is REALLY easy to not see it if your gear check consists in only opening the flap and looking at your pins. I prove it a few times a year by doing it in front of experienced jumpers on purpose and asking them to spot the mistake and almost nobody does. Nobody even sees it while I’m doing it in front of their eyes.

It could happen to absolutely anyone, so this is the rules I have created for myself and the people I teach:

- don’t close your container with the PC in the BOC

- if bottom pin comes out, remove the pilot chute from the BOC before closing your container again. Might sound unnecessary but at least it makes it idiotproof.

- if your friend’s bottom pin comes out, pull his pilot chute out of the BOC. I have done it in many occasion while explaining why, and nobody ever got offended. People actually were glad to hear the explanation. Do not hesitate to do it! You could save a life.

- When doing your pre-jump gear check: pull the bridle out between bottom pin and BOC and check visually and with your fingers the continuity. If you don’t do that, come to me IRL and I’ll take the time to pack a pin lock that you can’t visually see to demonstrate how important it is to take those extra 5 seconds on gear check.

I hope that routine can help someone or improve someone’s gearcheck.
My condolences to the friends and family of ****! Truly sorry for your loss!"


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