WEAPON KIT - Public Service Announcements BOTS AND BUGS, and then...

Описание к видео WEAPON KIT - Public Service Announcements BOTS AND BUGS, and then...

STICKBUG extermination! We heard it from three admitted scripters recently... the scripts are not working for months now and they are all quitting, or playing legit (losing), or using stick bugs or mini avatars because they are MID at best! Hahahah. Sad AF. Well deserved. YES, all you godly leaderboard headshot KINGS and QUEENS were dirty AIMBOTS. Real players just keep getting better. IF THE SCRIPTS START WORKING, there will be less stick bugs and the leaderboard "110 kills and all headshots" kings will come back like sociopathic bullies to ruin games, hahah. W94MODS hahah.


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