The Price of Marriage | Episode 01 | English Dub | TV Series

Описание к видео The Price of Marriage | Episode 01 | English Dub | TV Series

The Price of Marriage | Episode 01 | English Dub | TV Series

Rubab is in love with Asher. However, Asher is not interested in Rubab. Rubab's mother, Zehra, is very possessive of her daughter. She does not want Rubab and Asher to be together and conspires against Rubab. She writes fake letters on behalf of Asher to Rubab. The letter states that Asher is in love with his colleague and has married her. Unable to bear the pain, Rubab tries to commit suicide. Asher gets concerned for Rubab. Zehra then hires a girl who blames Asher for sexual harassment. Zehra gets Rubab married to a man of her choice, unaware that he's a con man. Rubab's husband fleeces her for money and leaves her pregnant. Zehra tries to manipulate the situation again but fails as Rubab discovers the truth. Rubab also finds out that Zehra had falsely accused Asher previously. Rubab gets reunited with Asher.

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