DON'T Buy That Used Windsurf Board BEFORE WATCHING THIS!! | AWKWA Windsurfing 101

Описание к видео DON'T Buy That Used Windsurf Board BEFORE WATCHING THIS!! | AWKWA Windsurfing 101

So you want to learn how to windsurf, have no place to rent and no one to borrow from, or are just insistent on having your own gear. As a beginner to windsurfing, it can be super tempting to buy that "screaming deal" or "steal" windsurfing board on Craigslist, OfferUp or Facebook Marketplace, however just because something is cheap doesn't mean it has value, especially if you're totally new to the sport. In this video, I cover the reasons why these seemingly inexpensive boards are likely inexpensive and exactly why they should be avoided at all costs by newbies. I also delve into the three most important characteristics of an ideal beginner windsurf board, based upon my own experience learning (and teaching) and especially the purchasing mistakes!

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