DAS, Protodanksharding, and Danksharding with Valeria Nikolaenko | a16z crypto

Описание к видео DAS, Protodanksharding, and Danksharding with Valeria Nikolaenko | a16z crypto

Danksharding (named after Ethereum Foundation researcher Dankrad Feist) is an approach to scaling the amount of data on chain for a future version of Ethereum. Its goal is to ensure that the data on chain was made available to archiving parties when it was first posted. It does so using a technique called Data Availability Sampling (DAS). Successful Danksharding will make so-called rollups cheaper and the whole of the Ethereum blockchain more efficient.

In this overview, Lera Nikolaenko (a16z crypto research partner) surveys how data availability in danksharding works, highlighting some of the best DAS schemes so others can improve on them, do further research, or incorporate those ideas into their own projects.

About the speaker
About the speaker
Lera is a Research Partner at a16z crypto. Her research focuses on cryptography and blockchain security. She has also worked on topics such as long-range attacks in PoS consensus protocols, signature schemes, post-quantum security, and multi-party computation. She holds a PhD in Cryptography from Stanford University under advisorship of Professor Dan Boneh, and worked on the Diem blockchain as part of the core research team. More: https://www.valerini.com/

About a16z crypto research
a16z crypto research is a multidisciplinary lab that works closely with our portfolio companies and others toward solving the important problems in the space, and toward advancing the science and technology of the next generation of the internet. More about us: a16z.com/2022/04/21/announcing-a16z-crypto-research

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