🛑Largest Physiotherapy Chain?🛑 BUSINESS CASE STUDY- Apollo hospital, fortis health care, Narayana🛑

Описание к видео 🛑Largest Physiotherapy Chain?🛑 BUSINESS CASE STUDY- Apollo hospital, fortis health care, Narayana🛑

🛑Largest Physiotherapy Chain?🛑 BUSINESS CASE STUDY- Apollo hospital, fortis health care, Narayana🛑
#physiotherapy #physio #businesses #physiobusiness #physiotherapist #apollohospital #fortishospital #narayanahealth
#fisioterapia #bpt

Today’s topic is How to start and grow a chain of physiotherapy clinic? , business strategy of other biggest healthcare bodies such as apollo hospital, fortis healthcare, Narayana healthcare and Mc D.

Picture credit - Apollo hospital, Narayana healthcare and fortis health and Mc D.
Music credit - VN

#inspiration #motivation #motivational #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physio #truptiphysioinsights


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