The Orthodontist Contribution in Dental Esthetics: Interdisciplinary not Multidisciplinary

Описание к видео The Orthodontist Contribution in Dental Esthetics: Interdisciplinary not Multidisciplinary

A live webinar by Prof. Abbas Zaher for the Iraqi Orthodontic Society

Full list of Webinars:
1. The Orthodontist Contribution in Dental Esthetics: Interdisciplinary not Multidisciplinary
Prof. Abbas Zaher (Egypt)    • The Orthodontist Contribution in Dent...  

2. Asymmetry, The Dimension that Complicates Orthodontic Treatment
Prof. Zakaria BENTAHAR (Morocco) (Not available on YouTube)

3. Vertical Control with TADs: Etiology and Treatment Modalities of Anterior Open Bite and Relapse
Prof. Jae Park (USA)    • Vertical Control with TADs: Etiology ...  

4. Smile Design in Orthodontic Treatment Planning
Prof. Jorge Eduardo García Guerra (Mexico)    • Smile Design in Orthodontic Treatment...  

5. Double Slot: A Bracket, Endless Possibilities
Prof. Thaer Hamid (Brazil)    • Double Slot: A Bracket, Endless Possi...  

6. Class II: Early Treatment and Long Term Stability
Prof. Letizia Perillo (Italy)    • Class II: Early Treatment and Long Te...  

7. Correction of class II malocclusion in permanent dentition: the bioprogressive approach.
A. Prof. Sergio Sambataro (Italy)    • Correction of Class II Malocclusion i...  

8. How Cloud and Artificial Intelligence Technologies Can Change our Clinical Practice
Dr. Yehyun Kim (S. Korea)    • How cloud and artificial intelligence...  

9. Miniscrew Assisted Space Closure
Dr. Daniel Segovia (Argentina)    • Miniscrew assisted space closure  

10. The art of disarticulation in Orthodontic Therapy
Prof. Dalia El-Bokle (Egypt)    • The Art of Disarticulation in Orthodo...  

11. Gummy Smile: What to Look before you Leap
A. Prof. Flavia Artese (Brazil) (Not available on YouTube)

12. Use of intermaxillary elastics in orthodontic practice: Easy, cheap and effective
Prof. Kleber Meireles (Brazil)    • Use of intermaxillary elastics in ort...  

13. Iatrogenics in Orthodontics. Setting it right again!
A. Prof. Adith Venugopal (Cambodia)    • Iatrogenics in Orthodontics. Setting ...  

14. Miniscrews as bone maintainers in adolescent patients with tooth agenesis
Dr. Roberto Ciarlantini (Italy)    • Miniscrews as bone maintainers in ado...  

15. The Alexander Discipline: from simplicity to stability
Dr. Ali Ouazzani (Morocco)    • The Alexander Discipline:from Simplic...  


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