Concert dedicated to the 33rd Independence Day of Ukraine / Avis Animi & Humeniuk

Описание к видео Concert dedicated to the 33rd Independence Day of Ukraine / Avis Animi & Humeniuk

Vanda Kozub (soloist)
Chamber Choir Avis Animi (EST; conductor Leiu Ryland-Jones)
Conductor Illia Humeniuk

Ukrainan folk song, arr. - A. Avdievskyi "Вербова дощечка" ("Verbovaya Doshchechka" / "The Willow Board")
Estonian folk song from Muhu, arr. - V. Tormis "Laulu võim" ("The Power of Song")
Estonian folk song from Setu, arr. - V. Tormis "Lauljaid otsitakse" ("Looking for Singers"
Ukrainian folk song, arr. - M. Dmytrovych "Дударик" ("Dudaryk" / "Duda player")
Estonian folk song from Kuusalu, arr. - V. Tormis "Laulud pulmades õpitud" ("Songs Learned at Weddings")
Estonian folk song from Kolga-Jaani, arr. - V. Tormis "Mure murrab meele" ("Worry Breaks the Spirit")
Ukrainan folk song, arr. - O. Koshyts "Понад синім морем" ("Ponyad synim morem" / "Over the Blue Sea")
Estonian folk song from Hargla, arr. - V. Tormis "Vaeslapsed laanes" ("Orphans in the Forest")

Recorded on 23.08.2024


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