Pac-Man World (Re-Pac). Crazy Cannonade Episode

Описание к видео Pac-Man World (Re-Pac). Crazy Cannonade Episode

This level is pretty easy, as it is in the first world, but gets a little challenging at some parts. You will need to quickly step on the opening hatches of the cannons to get across some cliffs. This level is also mainly about timing too. You will need to often time your jumps to get across points.

The main obstacles of the level are a variety of enemies and contraptions. There are mostly cannons, but there are also Parrots, Cannonball Targets, Sword Skeletons, and Mini Cork Cannons.

In this level you will save Pooka if you have a key. He is located at the end of the level inside a cage like the rest of Pac-Man's friends are.

This level is also the first level to introduce the Super Butt-Bounce power up. It is placed in front of multiple enemies to witness the power of it. Like Corsair's Cove, this level also features the letters, "P-A-C-M-A-N" and has a bonus level. This is the second level to do so.

Unlike Corsair's Cove and Buccaneer Beach, there are cliff hazards and no swimming involved. It takes place in more of a building area.


In the roof area with the four ghosts immediately after the area with the Galaxian Door, the Pac-Dot has been moved from the first cannon door to the rightmost part of the roof. This change carries over to all versions of the remake.

The skeleton on the platform immediately after the set of cannons following the Banana Door with the second "A" is replaced with a chest containing the level's Bomb Dot, which in the NTSC version, is spawned by hitting the Blue switch on the platform above.

The slim pointy wood that Pac-Man must jump off of to reach Pooka and the end of the level is replaced by a bridge that fully connects the preceding slanted slope and the final platform with Pooka. This carries over to the remake.


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