On Being Royals (Genesis

Описание к видео On Being Royals (Genesis

Sermon for Sunday, April 7, 2024
Title: On Being Royal
Text: Genesis 1:26-28, Phil 2:5-11
Key Idea(s): Key Idea(s): Humans were meant to wear crowns. Believers are to wear crowns.

Point 1) The Crowning of Creation (Gen 1:26-28)
-God speaks creation into being (Gen 1:1-25)
-In v.26, God speaks among Three Persons to decide how to create man
-In v.27, God created man in His image or likeness
-In v.28, all of creation honors mankind because God shares this honor and His image with us.

Point 2) The Crowning of Humanity (Phil 2:5-11)
-God’s Christ becomes the new standard for the image of God. He is new Genesis 1:26-28.
-All humanity longs, every knee will bow in recognition, and believers are changing to find their purpose and identity in Jesus Christ ( Rom 8:29; 1 Cor 15:49; 2 Cor 3:18; Col 3:10-11)

Point 3) The Crowning of Believers
-Crown of Boasting – 1 Thess 2:19, Phil 4:1
-Crown of Righteousness – 2 Tim 4:8
-Crown of Life – James 1:12, Rev 2:10
-Unfading/Imperishable Crown – 1 Peter 5:4, 1 Cor 9:25


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