IFF & interrogation Tutorial - F-15E Strike Eagle

Описание к видео IFF & interrogation Tutorial - F-15E Strike Eagle

The video is a run through of the Strike's IFF and Interrogator system. It's a very powerful and completely user customizable system to be able to ID both friends and bad guys.

The best part of this is the Radar Coder at Razbam did a superb job of modeling the IFF and interrogation system well above and beyond the DCS norm. Currently other RB modules as well as AI can take advantage of this expanded capability. The "RCG" (Radar Chicken God) has offered to share this IFF baseline for free, NST with other Devs to hopefully work towards a common IFF system among DCS modules to move beyond the "magic" DCS mode 4 IFF.

Hope you guys and gals enjoy it.


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