Reviewing the Solid Watercolor 48 Color Pan Pack from Faber-Castell

Описание к видео Reviewing the Solid Watercolor 48 Color Pan Pack from Faber-Castell

Hello my lovely peoples!
Today I'm finally getting a chance to take a look at some Watercolour Solid Pan Paints from Faber Castell. Specifically this is the nifty little 48 color (yes 48 colors) set from from there Creative Studios range.
There's a lot of color here and a huge range across the spectrum including Metailcs AND Neons.
Are they good? Are they Bad? Are they worth it? We'lllets just find out :)

0:00 - Intro Stuff
1:17 - Lets look at the Faber Castell Solid Watercolour 48 Color Pan Pack -
4:28 - The Vibrancy Test - How Vibrant are the Faber Castell Watercolor paints?
9:18 - The Gradient Test - How do the Faber Castell Pan Paints Gradient?
12:14 - The Blending Test - How do the Faber Castell Watercolor paints Blend?
17:10 - Conclusion - Is the Faber Castell Solid 48 Color Pan Pack any good?


Sunshine Is an Australian Childrens book Illustrator, live Streamer and very bad game player. She currently has over 30 books to her name and live streams almost daily.
Sunshine loves art, loves stories and is driven with a passion to bring that love to other people.
If you'd like to talk to sunshine about illustrating your project, please reach out below. Or if your in Australia and would like her to come to your school to visit then click below:

Thankyou for checking out my stuff :)

🎵Music By: Epidemic Sound

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#fabercastell #watercolorkit #artreview
art supplies


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