The Sheeran Loopers Story - (Full Version)

Описание к видео The Sheeran Loopers Story - (Full Version)

Over the past decade Ed Sheeran has paved the way for looping artists all over the world.

"I got my first loop pedal when I was 14 for my birthday, I used that same one right through from pubs, to clubs, to theatres, to arenas throughout the whole Plus tour. When I got to arena level the pedal I was using wasn’t fit for purpose and the quality of the sound suffered. I approached the company that made the pedal to see if they would make a custom specific one for my requirements, but it was a ‘no’. So I thought, why not, il just make it myself. Which is how the first Sheeran looper came to be, 10 years ago. Me and my team built one in 2014 for the multiply tour, which took me to stadiums round the world, and it worked amazingly in any scenario. I’ve had people ask me where they can buy them, but til now I didn’t feel we could mass produce them affordably, because it was so specially custom made. But we found an incredible company with Intime Audio who took the task on, and now we have the Looper + and the Looper X to bring out. Coming from someone who has looped my entire career, in every venue imaginable, these really are the best loopers on the market, and can do anything a looper might need, and more. I’m so excited to bring them out, and put my name to them, I hope everyone enjoys them, whether you are a beginner, or an expert. The @sheeranloopers are out now, order through your local music store or online!x"



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