Учите японский с Гибли: Унесённые призраками — Описание сцены

Описание к видео Учите японский с Гибли: Унесённые призраками — Описание сцены

Let's practice scene description using scenes from Ghibli films!

The video is structured as follows:
00:00 Explanation of the video flow
02:43 1. Let's describe in simple Japanese (aimed at N5 to N4 level)
03:13 Keywords to help with description
05:03 Descriptive text
06:17 Questions about the description (Answer the questions yourself!)
10:10 Let's try describing!
11:00 2. Let's describe in more detail (aimed at N3 to N2 level)
11:46 Keywords to help with description
14:29 Descriptive text
16:09 Questions about the description (Answer the questions yourself!)
20:30 Let's try describing!
21:15 3. Let's explain the story of this scene (aimed at N2 to N1 level)
21:57 Keywords to help with description
25:18 Descriptive text
27:21 Questions about the description (Answer the questions yourself!)
31:59 Let's try describing!

The voiceovers on this channel are recorded using my voice.
No voice changers or speech-reading software is used so you can learn natural Japanese!

😀You can turn on subtitles by clicking the CC button and choosing your language.
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   / @nihongaudiolounge  

I also have a vlog channel. Check it out if you're interested!
Get to know Japan together
   / @gettoknowjapantogether  

Interview with Hayao Miyazaki
   • Видео  

Spirited Away: Behind the Scenes
   • 宮崎駿 千と千尋の神隠し 制作秘話  

✎Recommended textbooks for studying Japanese
GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I [Third Edition]

GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese II [Third Edition]

📕Books recommended for reading in Japanese
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter series

Guardian of the Spirit

The Guardian series

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Image Credits

   • 風の行方 @ フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME OFFICIAL ...  

#spiritedaway way
#jlptn5kanjipractice #jlptn5n4n3n2n1 #jlpt_n1 #jlpt_n2 #jlpt_n3 #jlpt_n4 #jlpt_n5 #japanesestudy #kanji #hiragana #language #nihongo #listening #LearnJapanese #JapaneseLearning #JapaneseLanguage #JapaneseStudy #JapaneseClass #JapaneseTutorial #JapaneseCulture #studyjapanese #japanesestudy


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