大连森林动物园可以坐在索道吹着海风看熊猫,园区有金虎、飞云和妙音3只大熊猫 Dalian Forest Zoo has 3 pandas: Jinhu, Feiyun and Miaoyin

Описание к видео 大连森林动物园可以坐在索道吹着海风看熊猫,园区有金虎、飞云和妙音3只大熊猫 Dalian Forest Zoo has 3 pandas: Jinhu, Feiyun and Miaoyin

公园里有200余种共计3,000余只动物.它被白云山拦成两区, 一区是散养区,二区是圈养区.一区有热带雨林馆、灵长类动物园等, 二区有熊猫馆、生态鸟馆、百鸟园、猛禽馆、猛兽馆等. 两区由高空索道——海达索道连通. 乘坐海达索道, 可以俯瞰大海和大连市全貌.
Dalian Forest Zoo is reportedly the largest zoo in the city and is situated within the urban area. It covers a total area of 80 hectares.The park is home to over 3,000 animals representing more than 200 species. It is divided into two zones by Baiyun Mountain.
Zone 1 which is the free-range area
and Zone 2 which is the captive area
Zone 1 features attractions such as the Tropical Rainforest Pavilion and Primate Zoo, Zone 2 includes the Panda Pavilion, Ecological Bird Pavilion
Aviary Raptor Pavilion and Carnivore Pavilion.
These 2 zones are connected by a high-altitude cableway called the Haida Cableway. By taking the Haida Cableway visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the sea.


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