Bhavspandana Experience, visit to Isha Yoga Centre

Описание к видео Bhavspandana Experience, visit to Isha Yoga Centre

Bhavas are a concept in Hindu philosophy that refer to the emotional states or moods that can arise in meditation or spiritual practice. Bhavas can be experienced as a form of spontaneous emotional expression, sometimes referred to as bhavas or bhavaspanda, that arises from within the practitioner during meditation.

Bhavaspanda is often described as a physical or emotional sensation that arises during meditation or spiritual practice, such as a feeling of warmth or a sense of energy moving through the body. It can also be experienced as a form of emotional release, such as tears, laughter, or a feeling of joy or peace.

The experience of bhavaspanda is said to be a sign of progress in spiritual practice, indicating a deepening of one's connection to the divine or a release of pent-up emotions and tension. However, it is important to note that not everyone experiences bhavaspanda in their spiritual practice, and its absence does not necessarily indicate a lack of progress or connection to the divine.

Overall, the experience of bhavaspanda is a personal and subjective one, and can vary greatly from person to person. It is often seen as a positive and transformative experience that can deepen one's spiritual practice and connection to the divine.


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