6 Reasons to Become a CPA

Описание к видео 6 Reasons to Become a CPA

Now is an exciting time to become a CPA! Not only is this license coveted in many businesses and organizations, it also gives you the opportunity to move up in your career faster. Did we also mention higher salary and job security? Watch this video to see 6 great reasons to become a CPA today.

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Video Transcript Sneak Peek:

Hi, this is Mitra, with Roger CPA Review, thank you for joining me today. Today I'm gonna talk about, why become a CPA.

Now, I've been in the accounting industry for over 10 years and I've seen that it's always been booming. It's a very cutting age industry, because it's always keeping up with change and new technologies. And accounting is a very highly recruited major. So, it's a great industry to get into, but of course there's many career paths you can take.

So, I'm gonna focus on the Certified Public Accountant route, or CPA. So you have six reasons to why you should become a CPA.

Number one, salary. You can make five to 15% more than non CPAs, that translates to about a million dollars more in your career.

Number two, stability. Even during the last US recession, there was a demand for hiring accountants, it was still growing. And even in the last two years, employment for CPAs grew about 22%.

Watch the video or read our blog to learn more: https://www.rogercpareview.com/blog/6...


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