My Quarterly Income - Starting a NEW Vlog Series!!

Описание к видео My Quarterly Income - Starting a NEW Vlog Series!!

Lets talk MONEY. Working as a Full Time Travel Videographer this is exactly how much I made for the 3rd Quarter of 2018. Spoiler: It's not much, but then again the Travel & Tourism Industry is all about the lifestyle not the paycheck.

Let me know your thoughts on this new insight into my Travel Videography business and starting the My Quarterly Income series on the Vlog.

One of my continued dreams/goals is to have multiple sources of income so stay tuned for the next quarterly report and hopefully I'll have some different money making news to share!! #TravelVideoWork #TravelVideographer

Also I'm starting a Mailing List. Sign up here for direct notifications on future trips and updates. Thumbs up.


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