What Are Proofs? (Advance Reader Copies/Galleys For Authors, Journalists, PR & Bloggers).

Описание к видео What Are Proofs? (Advance Reader Copies/Galleys For Authors, Journalists, PR & Bloggers).

How Do Proofs Work? What Are They For? How Do Readers Receive Them? Do They Really Build Buzz Or Help With Reviews?

Proofs (aka Galleys or ARCs) are sent out by publicists and editors in the months before publication. You might see them on social media. They are often marked ‘not for resale or quotation’.

I love receiving proofs. It’s a real perk of being an author. But it can be difficult to prioritise them and get to them when I have my own reading lists and tbr piles. I read as many as I can but there’s no way I could read even 25% of the proofs I receive. I wish I could get to them all.

When you open up a proof and it’s a gem it can be very exciting. Especially when it’s written by a debut author. Discovering talent/finding a new favourite writer is a thrill.

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  / willrdean  

  / willrdean  

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