Queen of Cups in 4 Minutes

Описание к видео Queen of Cups in 4 Minutes

Queen of Cups Upright: A person directing all their energies into creating something they believe in. Very loving, emotionally open and available. Love manifested into action. Possibly psychic. Deeply emotionally connected. Intuitive. Thoughtful, empathetic. Good with others. Extremely honest but also kind. Very grounded when it comes to emotional issues. Can navigate complex emotional situations with ease and acumen.
Queen of Cups Upright Best Course of Action: Love others and yourself with openness. Trust. Go with the flow. Be confident in your ability to express your feelings. Listen and empathize with others. Create! Connect with other people. Lead by example. Focus your desires and dreams, meshing them with your goals and aspirations. Recognize what and who give you emotional satisfaction.
Queen of Cups Reversed: Experiencing loss of love. Sadness, grief, depression. Feeling emotionally blocked. Unable to tap into your feelings. Someone in your life who is being dishonest or you are being dishonest. Feeling out of balance or overwhelmed by emotion. Someone who is emotional manipulative.
Queen of Cups Reversed Best Course of Action: Don’t let your emotions run away from you. Feel a hurt so you can then begin to move on. There might be someone in your life who is untrustworthy, dishonest, or emotionally manipulative. Or someone might be just sad. This might be a call to remove yourself from an emotionally charged situation or relationship. Do not attempt to control others and/or their experience. Ignore any whining. Keep a lid on things. It might not be safe to share your feelings at this time.


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