Community-built robot chats with telemarketer scammer - Ship's Log #17

Описание к видео Community-built robot chats with telemarketer scammer - Ship's Log #17

Hate telemarketers? Do you want revenge AND help the next victim on their call list?

Now you can build a robot to intercept telemarketers and keep them busy. Here is a robot built using our "Pirate Maker" app named Berry the Bear. She does a great job keeping a telemarketer engaged for several minutes.

As for this particular telemarketer - I have NO IDEA what he is calling about. Actually, I don't know which side of this conversation is crazier - Berry's or the telemarketer's. Regardless, this was completely automated and now that YOU can make these robots, there's no way the telemarketers can identify these bots right away.

For more information about making your own Jolly Roger Pirate (no account required) -

To try the service FREE for 30 days,

Thank you for listening!


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